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Earth Goddess, Warrior Priestess, Gonna save the world vibe... or at least save your office from the black hole of disorganization.
the force is strong with this one.

Jenna is a joyful and collaborative C-Suite Executive Assistant working in tech and nonprofits in the Bay Area. Professionally, her passion is keeping busy executives organized and an office of happy employees humming along smoothly.

Her purpose is to be a positive force of good on the planet. She lives that purpose professionally by being a dot-connector, culture carrier, calendar tetris master, event goddess, and more!

Jenna was born in Redondo Beach and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a young Brownie, she was a top fundraiser for Girl Scout Cookies. Then in the 4th grade, she walked the March of Dimes and as a reward, her mom baked her a cake. That began her love for giving back (and cake), and a lifetime of charitable activities. Jenna studied Corporate Social Responsibility from Boston College's Carroll School of Management. 

When she's not dressing up as Rey in Star Wars, she's hiking with her dog Zoey, watching Ozarks marathons with her husband, or laughing with loved ones over a glass of bubbly 🥂. She's known as the Gift Whisperer — she loves giving gifts!


  • Goggles Award 2020, 2018

  • Corange Star Award, 2019

  • JFDI (Just Do It) Award, 2019, 2018

  • Employee of the Month 2017

  • Best Sense of Humor 2006

  • Best Team Player 2006

  • VIP (Vision, Impact, Partnership) Award 2004

  • Event Goddess 2001


Joel Brown,

Vice President at Intuit Inc.

"Jenna was my amazing and stupendous Executive Assistant at Intuit. We were always in total synch. She kept me shockingly productive, organized, on time and informed. I would have been toast without her."


Spalding Ashley,

Challenge Day Board Member

"Jenna is one of Challenge Day's most valuable assets. She has improved so many things around our office and has created an atmosphere of serenity, organization, connection and so much more. To her existing title I would like to add Spreadsheet Wizard, Organizational Queen, Communicator Extraordinaire, Lover of People, Talented Artist."


Justin Rosenstein,

Co-Founder of Asana

"I had the pleasure and privilege of working with Jenna as my executive assistant in 2018. For starters, Jenna is extremely competent. Her job entailed juggling lots of balls and paying careful attention to detail. I've worked with many EAs, and Jenna is remarkably good at making sure no ball gets dropped, dotting every i and crossing every t. This capacity is rare, and would alone have made me delighted to work with her. But Jenna frequently went above and beyond, whether it was ensuring that I had an especially smooth experience when preparing for a stressful speaking engagement, or creating special experiences for prospective customers, teammates, and partners. Yet perhaps what I enjoyed most about working with Jenna was the pure, positive, loving energy that she brought to work every single day. Jenna genuinely cares about the people around her, and about the world as a whole. You can feel that love infuse every interaction she has, and walking past her even in passing between meetings was enough to brighten my day. I hope we get to work together more in the future."

Meredith Reese,
Administrative Business Partner, Asana

"Where do I begin? Jenna is the epitome of a multitasking queen and executive whisperer! She demonstrates how to elegantly handle large, detailed and time and energy intensive duties and tasks with enthusiasm and agility. I am in awe of her professionalism, kindness, attention to detail, skills and abilities!"


“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children (and dogs!); to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends.  To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
One of my favorite songs by Lily Meola, "Daydream"

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world"
- Mahatma Gandhi


Be a positive force of good.

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© 2022 by Jenna Mahina

San Francisco Bay Area, California

All Rights Reserved.

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